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Winterize Your BMW

Winterize Your BMW

Winterize Your BMW in Edmonton, AB

Getting your BMW winter-ready will ensure your safety and security throughout your drives on winter roads. There are many ways to prepare your BMW for winter, but you can always count on our expert support at Edmonton BMW when looking for winter maintenance or repairs. Visit our showroom today and let us help you enjoy the most seamless BMW ownership.

Swap To Winter Tires

To begin winterizing your BMW, you will want to install a winter tire set that's in good condition, providing optimal traction for acceleration and emergency stops. You should also check your winter tire set's tread and rubber condition, especially after storage.

Check Your Battery

Your BMW's battery operates best when charged fully and kept in a good climate, but the cold temperatures of winter can compromise its function. A weak battery during summer can function sufficiently to start your BMW's engine, but it will likely struggle to keep up in winter.

Check Tire Pressure

To ensure your safety throughout your commutes in your BMW this winter, you will want to check the tire air pressure of your winter set. Some BMW models have tire pressure sensors, allowing you to know which tires require additional air.

Replace Your Wiper Blades

Nothing is worse than having bad wiper blades during winter, leaving you struggling to see clearly through your BMW's windshield. You can avoid those visibility issues by installing a fresh new set of wiper blades, but choose a high-quality set, preferably sourced from a BMW dealer.

Contact Us

You are welcome to contact us to learn more about how you can winterize your BMW and book an appointment with our Service Centre to enlist the help of our friendly associates.

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