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BMW Head Up Display


Technology has become a major influence in how we live our lives. It's integrated into every aspect, from our phones to our automobiles. The way technology has influenced the car industry is unmeasurable. It's an industry that leans heavily on innovation and no one does innovation better than BMW.


BMW is always ahead of the game in regards to new and exciting tech. With stuff like the BMW xDrive, or the BMW Night Vision, it's no wonder that BMW is one of the most respected and sought after vehicle brands driving anywhere in the world.


They've done it again, this time with the emphatic BMW Head Up display.




BMW Head Up Display is technology that projects information directly onto the bottom of the BMW windshield to help you keep your eyes on the road at all times. By projecting relevant driving information directly in front of your eyes, it has been proven that you process this information 50% faster than having to look down. That 50% can be the difference between a tight evasive maneuver and a collision.


It uses a small depression in the dashboard, a projector, and a collection of mirrors to display speed, gas mileage and other relevant information including navigation instructions. The image is projected in a way that makes it appear approximately 2-meters ahead of you, just above the tip of the bonnet, which allows for ideal viewing of the information. The system's viewing height can also be adjusted to accomodate the height of the driver.

BMW Head-Up Display comes with a full color visual look, which makes it more customizable and therefore more comfortable for the driver, which at the end of the day is BMW's goal. This full color display makes it easier to identify urgent warnings and important information. Information like: Pedestrian on the Road, and local speed limits. The display is adjustable both horizontally and vertically via the BMW iDrive controller, to help optimize your view.

The BMW Head-Up Display is a technology feature designed to help you take in information much faster than normal vehicles. Having the ability to keep your eyes on the road is priceless, and BMW has your safety in mind.

Come into to Edmonton BMW and book a test drive today to see all the fantastic BMW exclusive technology.

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